If you say that understand a women is easy then you need to thing about again. Many men in this world come to know about very late and some of them come to know very soon, but I say that you will get benefited after reading this. You can understand with her body language about her interested in you here are some points
1. Note where her body is facing
When you are talking with her and she looking into your eyes, her shoulders is square, smiling little bit and her legs are facing in your directions then you can say she is interested in you.
2. Watch her legs and feet
When she points her feet towards you while talking, besides this she will also off her legs that guys always want. She know that guys are interested on women’s breasts, butt and legs, then while talking with you if she show her breast, butt and legs then understand she is paying attention to you as well as want your attraction also. This is hint that either she is interested in you or she want to move your relationship deeper and more intimate level.
3. If she dangles her shoe on the tip of her toe
When you see this signal then it is very clear green signal go for it. Because when a women is dangling her shoe by tip of her toe while talking to you then probably fantasizing about you, it is not clear mean that go sexually with her wait some time and let her do some time more. Try to interrupt her like that you don’t know about her activity.
4. When she show her neck and wrists
When you see her tilt head and expose her wrist to you then understand she is trying to catch your eyes and acts of seduction to make her looks vulnerable to signal want desired man to protect her. If she laughing too much at a joke understands she is more interested in you but want to act first from your side.
So be aware next time